Phone: 402-451-3553

Eligibility and Enrollment

Eligibility and Enrollment

Charles Drew Health Center, Inc. has Certified Application Counselors that are trained and educated in the different options for health insurance. We personally work with you to inform you about the best options for your budgets, your health and your future.

Requirements for Coverage and Exemptions

Heritage Health Adult

Nebraska expanded Medicaid benefits in fall 2020 to low-income, able-bodied adults of working age (19-64 years old). You must meet income requirements to apply. Most eligible Nebraskans will start with the Basic benefits package which includes: Doctor services, Emergencies, Hospitalization, Maternity and Newborn, well visits and more.

Eligible Nebraskans who are 19-20 years old, pregnant, or medically frail will receive the Prime benefits package, which is the Basic benefits plus:

  • Dental Services 
  • Vision services
  • Over-the-counter medication


Nebraska Medicaid provides health services to certain low-income persons including those who are: aged, blind, disabled, children aged 18 and younger, pregnant women and others who meet eligibility requirements. 

CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program) extends Medicaid health services to children ages 18 and younger with no insurance. 

Medicaid or CHIP might be for you meet the income requirements and are in one of the following eligible group:

  • You are under 19 years old
  • You are pregnant
  • You are aged 65 or over
  • You are under 65 years of age, have a disability, or are visually impaired according to Social Security
  • You are the parent, or caretaker relative, of a child under 19 year old
  • You are a citizen or lawfully present in the United States
  • You are a former foster care youth who has aged out of the system (under the age of 26)

Apply for benefits anytime of the year. Plan selection, through Heritage health, is done during Open Enrollment in the fall. 

Note: Some women, regardless of their citizenship status, may receive prenatal care for their unborn children through 599 CHIP.

Health Insurance Marketplace:

Health Insurance Marketplace connects Nebraskans to affordable, quality health insurance plans and provides financial assistance to those who are eligible. 

Then Health Insurance Marketplace offers different plan types to meet a variety of needs and budgets. You may qualify for premium tax credits to help lower your monthly premium.

How to apply

Applications may be completed online, by phone, or by paper. Be prepared to bring the listed items to the appointment:

  • Income information for everyone in your family
  • Driver’s License or ID
  • Bank Statements
  • Pay stubs from the last 30 days
  • Key Services Covered by health insurance:
    • Hospital services
    • Doctors visits
    • Behavioral health services
    • Pregnancy-related services
    • Prescription drugs


Energy Assistance:

The Nebraska Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is available to home owners and renters who meet income guideline and certain eligibility requirements. The follow displays shows income requirements,

Energy Assistance Table
  • Size of HouseholdAnnual Income
  • 1$16,588
  • 2 $22,412
  • 3 $28,236
  • 4$34,060
  • 5$39,884
  • 6$45,708
  • 7$51,532
  • 8$57,356

Updated April 26, 2021

Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP):

SNAP is available to US citizens and Permanent residents who meet certain income guidelines. 

Household Size

Gross monthly income

Net monthly income

























Each additional member




130% of poverty

100% of poverty

SNAP Income Eligibility Limits - Oct. 1, 2020, through Sept. 30, 2021

In addition to the income qualification, the follow eligibility requirements apply to receive a one-time, up to $500 heating assistance during the months of October through March.

  • Individuals who have received a Disconnect Notice for gas, fuel oil, wood, kerosene, propane or other fuel sources may be eligibility for assistance. Or,
  • Individuals who are 70 and older on a fixed income automatically qualify for assistance. Or,
  • Children under the age of 5 and their parents who are Aid To Dependent Children (ADC) automatically qualify for assistance.

In addition to the income qualifications, the following eligibility requirements apply to receive a one-time electricity assistance one time per year.

  • Individuals who have received a Disconnect Notice for electricity

Rental Assistance Program (RAP): Emergency Assistance is available to renters.

Aid to Dependent Children (ADC): ADC provides cash assistance to low-income families with children 18 or younger. To be eligible for the program, the adult family member must volunteer at least 20 hours per week or be a student taking at least 12 credit hours for a monthly stipend of $293.00, regardless of family size.

Assistance to the Aged, Blind or Disabled (AABD): The AABD program provides financial aid and medical assistance to individuals who are age 65 and older, or who are age 64 and younger and blind or disabled according to Social Security program definitions. Payments are determined based on income and countable resources.

Sliding Fee Discount Program

To qualify for the Charles Drew Health Center, Inc. (CDHC) Sliding Fee Discount Program, you must fill out a Financial Assistance Application, reporting household size and gross annual income for household.

Your family size includes:

  • Patient applying
  • Spouse/Partner
  • Any children being supported in your household
  • Anyone who is included on patient’s federal income tax return

Bring in one of the following to report gross annual income:

  • Pay stubs (from the past 60 days)
  • W-2 form
  • Unemployment statement
  • Disability/Social Security papers
  • Letter from employer
  • Proof of No Income Worksheet

All fees are due at the time of your visit. If you are not able to pay your fee at the time of your medical visit, you will need to speak with a Patient Financial Services Advocate to make arrangements for payment. If you are unable to pay your fee at the time of your dental visit, you will be asked to reschedule your appointment for a later date.

Annual Income Range

Family Size








$0 - $14,580

$14,581 - 18,225

$18,226 - 21,870

$21,870 - 25,515

$25,516 - 29,160

Over $29,160


$0 - 19,720

$19,721 - 24,650

$24,651 - 29,580

$29,581 - 34,510

$34,511 - 39,440

Over $39,440

$0 - 24,860

$24,861 - 31,075

$31,076 - 37,290

$37,291 - 43,505

$43,506 - 49,720

Over $49,720

$0 - 30,000

$30,001 - 37,500

$37,501 - 45,000

$45,001 -52,500

$52,501 - 60,000

Over $60,000

$0 - 35,140

$35,141 - 43,925

$43,926 - 52,710

$52,711 - 61,495

$61,496 - 70,280

Over $70,280

$0 - 40,280

$40,281 - 50,350

$50,351 - 60,420

$60,421 - 70,490

$70,491 - 80,560

Over $80,560

$0 - 45,420

$45,421 - 56,775

$56,776 - 68,130

$68,131 - 79,485

$79,486 - 90,840

Over $90,840

$0 - 50,560

$50,561 - 63,200

$63,201 - 75,840

$75,841 - 88,480

$88,481 - 101,120

Over $101,120